Kardiale Risiko-Früherkennung durch autonome Funktionsdiagnostik
Go to:
Click Installieren
NOTE: After Installation was succesful, you have to do the following settings on your iPhone/iPad:
Settings -> General -> Device Management -> SIC Software GmbH -> trust SIC Software GmbH
Use the following Test-Account:
Username: 1915
Password: Abc-1234
You can add a new person by clicking New Profile.
Fill in the data of the person and click save.
Click on the Profile to do a new measurement.
NOTE: The E-Mail adress must be correct
You see:
If the traffic light is green, you can start a measurement
If not, click Help
Now the measurement is running and you see a video. Duration: 6 Minutes
After the measurement is completed, please click on the date (highlightet grey) and show results.
Now you see the result. If you click on the bar of the Vital-Index, you see an example of a personalized recommendation.
This is a demo page of the HealthMonitor.
Show your customers the effectiveness of high-quality supplements.
Let`s find out how we can adjust the HealthMonitor to your personal needs.
Learn more about the measurement and how to use the HealthMonitor properly.
© 2017 by Infarct Protect AG. All rights reserved.